Tuesday, April 22, 2014

SAVE THE DATE: ITD TALKS with Jon Bergmann

Jon Bergmann
Flipped Classroom Pioneer
The Flipped Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day 

October 22, 2014, 8:30 – 3:30

Jon Bergmann TALKS About the Flipped Classroom

Implementing the Flipped Class provides teachers with more face-to-face time with students, allows for true differentiation, compels students to take responsibility for their own learning, and enables students to master rigorous course concepts. Join Flipped Classroom pioneer Jon Bergmann as he walks through his transformation from lecturer to a flipped class pioneer. He will demonstrate how the flipped class can transform today's educational climate and increase student learning outcomes.

One Day Workshop:  Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day

Come learn from Jon Bergmann as he takes you on his journey from a nineteen year lecturer to a flipped class pioneer. Learn how teachers can talk to every student in every class every day creating a learner centered, inquiry driven, problem-based classes. Learn how you can begin to transform your classroom by asking one critical question: What is the best use of my face-to-face class time?

Please join us for a great opportunity to meet with our keynote speaker and network with other curriculum and technology leaders! Register here.

About Jon Bergmann

Jon Bergmann is considered one of the pioneers in the Flipped Class movement after successfully flipping his own classroom and sharing the teaching model with other educators. He has since co-written the book, Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day, and is set to release his second book Spring 2014. In 2002, he received the Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching, and was named Semi-Finalist for Colorado Teacher of the Year in 2010. Jon is a co-founder of the Flipped Learning NetworkTM, a nonprofit organization that provides teachers with the resources needed to implement flipped learning (http://flippedlearning.org). Additionally, Jon serves on the advisory board of TED Education, and hosts “The Flip Side,” a radio show which tells the stories of Flipped educators. To learn more about Jon and flipped learning, visit http://jonbergmann.com and http://flippedclass.com.

Event Details

Date:                     October 22, 2014
Location:             OCM BOCES:  Admin. Bldg.
                                6820 Thompson Rd.
Syracuse, NY 13211        
8:00 – 8:30           Check-in, coffee
8:30 – 9:45           Keynote Address
9:45 – 10:00        Break
10:00 – 11:30      Workshop
11:30 – 12:15      Lunch
12:15 – 3:30        Workshop (cont’d)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

ITD TALKS: Lisa Nielsen

Lisa Nielsen, The Innovative Educator
Teaching Generation Text: Using Mobile Devices to Enhance Learning
March 12, 2014, 8:30 – 11:30

In this fast-paced and interactive presentation, Lisa Nielsen will share real-life anecdotes of her efforts to work with others to stop fighting and start embracing the use of technology and the lifting of filters that will empower students with the freedom to learn with the tools and resources of their world. Participants will discover if they are "smarter than a screenager" and learn how to catch up if they're not. They will be introduced to the building blocks for success for learning with mobile technology and be introduced to the five step plan to harnessing the
power of these devices for learning. Lisa will bring to life the ideas from her book “Teaching Generation Text” and blog The Innovative Educator in this lively presentation during which she will not only display, discuss, and share her ideas, but she will also have the audience join her in harnessing the power of mobile devices for learning. Audience members will leave this presentation ready to meet the needs of “Generation Text.”

Breakout Session: Combatting illTWITTERacy
The illTwitteracy epidemic that has afflicted many educators can be eradicated with a simple plan that will have those who follow it all aTwitter with plenty of ideas for harnessing the power of the Tweet. Tweeps (Twitter using peeps) will not only learn how to Tweet from their phone or computer, but they will also discover why they’d even want to by looking at real examples of Tweeple (Twitter people) who use Twitter to enrich teaching, learning, and leading. Upon completion of this session, Tweeps will be on the road to achieving the basic Twitteracy necessary for success in the Twittersphere.
    Please join us for a great opportunity to meet with our keynote speaker and network with other curriculum and technology leaders! Register here.

    About Lisa Nielsen
    Lisa Nielsen writes for and speaks to audiences across the globe about the future of education and is frequently covered by local and national media for her views on “Passion (not data) Driven Learning,” "Thinking Outside the Ban" to harness the power of technology for learning, and using the power of social media to provide a voice to educators and students. Ms. Nielsen is a seasoned public school educator who began her career in the 90s as a librarian and since then has served in various capacities
    including full-time as a permanently certified teacher and educational administrator who supports learning in real and innovative ways that prepare students for success. In addition to her award-winning blog, The Innovative Educator, Ms. Nielsen’s writing is featured in places such as The New York Times, T.H.E. Journal, Tech & Learning, ISTE Connects, Huffington Post, ASCD Wholechild, MindShift, Leading & Learning, The Unplugged Mom, and she is the author the book Teaching Generation Text.

    Monday, February 3, 2014

    Flipped Classroom, Part II

     For 21st Century learners, communication and collaboration are key skills in collecting and sharing information.  There are so many digital tools that support such skills that it is daunting for teachers to select the appropriate tools to use in the classroom.  Some schools support institution-wide Learning Management Systems, while others allow teachers to select a web-presence that they are comfortable with.

    There are several free options on the Web that you may want to consider to foster communication and collaboration between school and home. Edmodo is one of the easiest to set-up and use. Students will be quickly drawn to Edmodo's "news feed" approach to communication as it looks remarkably similar to Facebook. Teachers will appreciate the built-in safety features Edmodo provides as student-to-student communication is public--students can only communicate to the whole group or to the teacher directly. Edmodo also provides information for parents to log in to view their child's progress.  Further, Edmodo offers so much more that a communication forum.  Teachers can share content in the form of documents, videos, and links; they can set up assessments in the form of quizzes, polls, and written assignments; links to websites can be easily embedded and shared; and the Help section is very thorough! Please take a moment to read the guides and view the videos below to learn how to set up an Edmodo Teacher account.

    There's an App for That: Edmodo App for iOS Devices
    Award-winning Edmodo for iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad makes it easy for teachers and students to stay connected and share information. Use your iOS device to send notes, submit assignments, post replies, and check messages and upcoming events while away from the classroom. Teachers can post last-minute alerts to their students, keep tabs on recent assignment submissions, and grade assignments. Students can view and turn in assignments and check their latest grades. Class discussions can be conducted securely, both during and outside of school hours.

    Edmodo Training Materials:

    Edmodo User Guide from Edmodo
    Edmodo: A Guide to Explain it All by Patrick Cauley, itbabble.com

    Please take a moment to view the videos below:

    Edmodo Splainers
    Duration: (2:26)
    User: edmodo1 - Added: 10/11/10
    Edmodo Demo Video
    Duration: (2:03)
    User: edmodo1 - Added: 3/6/10
    Edmodo at a glance
    Duration: (1:27)
    User: edmodo1 - Added: 10/20/11
    Edmodo for Parents
    Duration: (8:30)
    User: cmsnorth - Added: 9/9/11

    Edmodo Student Tutorial
    Duration: (7:24)
    User: mrshowardmath - Added: 8/10/11

    Friday, January 24, 2014

    Flipped Classroom, Part I

    For the un-initiated, flipping one's classroom essentially involves assigning instructional lectures to students for homework, and facilitating homework during class time.  This technique has several advantages and disadvantages. What if students don't have access to technology at home? What if they don't view your video tutorials for homework?  On the other hand, flipping one's instruction would allow the teacher to facilitate student learning as a "guide on the side" rather than a "sage on the stage."  Students could work in collaborative groups at a pace that encourages mastery.  See below for some blog posts and YouTube videos about what the Flipped Classroom is...and what it isn't.

    Part I:  Overview of the Flipped Classroom
    Please take a moment to read the linked articles below: 
    Read this brief article about the history of the Flipped Classroom.

    Click to view an infographic about the pedagogy behind the Flipped Classroom.

    What does "Flip" imply? What do classes look like? How does a Flipped Classroom fit into instruction?

    First of a three-part series highlighting the Flipped Classroom.

    Second of a three-part series highlighting the Flipped Classroom.

    Third of a three-part series highlighting the Flipped Classroom.
    from Edutopia
    from the Connected Principals Blog

    Please take a moment to view the embedded YouTube videos below:

    The Flipped Classroom
    Duration: (2:15)
    User: learning4mastery - Added: 12/16/10

    Flipped-Mastery Classroom
    Duration: (1:59)
    User: learning4mastery - Added: 12/16/10

    The Flipped Classroom as a Vehicle to the Future
    Duration: (3:11)
    User: mathjohnson - Added: 5/14/12

    Flipping the Classroom - Simply Speaking
    Duration: (3:24)
    User: psutlt - Added: 2/18/12

    Intro to the Flipped Classroom for parents
    Duration: (4:50)
    User: crystalkirch - Added: 8/10/12

    Duration: (10:14)
    User: crystalkirch - Added: 7/19/12

    Reflections on the Flipped Classroom
    Duration: (6:54)
    User: bozemanbiology - Added: 2/16/12

    The Flipped Classroom is not...
    Duration: (3:19)
    User: mathjohnson - Added: 5/8/12
    Next Week:  Part II:  Building a Web Presence