Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ITD TALKS: Building School 2.0--Creating the Schools We Need

Chris Lehmann, Science Leadership Academy
Building School 2.0: Creating the Schools We Need
November 16, 2010, 8:00 - 1:00

Keynote Address—What is School 2.0? What are the pedagogical ideas that form it? Examine ideas of constructivist pedagogy and the use of 21st Century tools to create schools that are engaging, caring, and relevant places of learning for everyone involved. The history of the formation of the Science Leadership Academy will form the backdrop for this conversation. The SLA was selected among the "Ten Most Amazing High Schools in the US" by Ladies Home Journal.

Workshop—Where Does It Live: Building Systems And Structures Around What You Believe
This session is focused on looking at institutional change, so that attendees can explore what they value and then examine the systems in their districts, schools and classrooms that must change to reflect those values.

Please join us for a great opportunity to meet with our keynote speaker and network with other curriculum and technology leaders! Register here.

Chris Lehmann is the founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy, a progressive science and technology high school in Philadelphia, PA. Chris has returned to his native Philadelphia after nine years as an English Teacher, Technology Coordinator, Girls Basketball Coach and Ultimate Frisbee coach at the Beacon School in New York City, one of the leading urban public schools for technology integration. Chris has spoken at educational conferences all over the world, including the National Association of Secondary Schools Conference, the Building Learning Communities conference, the National Educational Computing Conference, the Philadelphia Area Educational Technology Conference, The Yahoo Cybercitizen Conference, the Innovative Learning Conference, The Council of Educational Facilities Planners Regional Conference, the K12-Online Conference, the International Conference on Technology and Education and at LinuxWorld, and he has worked with many schools and districts in the U.S. and England as a consultant. Chris received his B.A. in English Literature from the University of Pennsylvania and his M.A. in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Chris is the author of the education blog Practical Theory: http://www.practicaltheory.org