Friday, April 19, 2013

Model Schools Summer Professional Development


Model Schools Summer Professional Development

The catalog of summer professional development events from the CNYRIC's Model Schools Program is now available:
  • All of our offerings are covered under the Model Schools CoSer--there is no additional charge for participants to attend. 
  • We are offering on-line courses as well as face-to-face workshops at a variety of venues including the CNYRIC, Tully High School, Cortland Jr.-Sr. High School, and more.
  • To register for events, participants can click the hyper-linked date in the far right column, which will take them to MyLearningPlan.
  • If you would like to host a Model Schools workshop in your district, please contact the Model Schools Coordinator to schedule an event.  You will not be charged a Model Schools day so long as 20% of the seats are open to participants outside your district.  If you would like to host an event that is exclusive to your district's faculty, you would be charged a Model Schools day (each district has 3 days via the Model Schools CoSer).
We are looking forward to serving your teachers' and administrators'  technology integration needs!